First things first

The craziest thing I ever saw in Vegas was in the first month I lived there.

I was there before the mass influx of people. When I moved to town there were 200,000 in the valley. West of the Strip was ranchland. Tropicana, Flamingo, Desert Inn, and Sahra just feed into dirt roads in the desert.

Treasure Island was still being built at this time. There was a ranch a 1/2 mile west of the Strip that raised buffalo.
One day I can’t remember the month or day. One of the buffalos got loose.
The beast ran down Desert In RD to the intersection of Las Vegas BLVD and Dessert Inn. It then proceeded to ram cars. The cars lost. Metro the cops were at a loss what to do. They tried shooting it, but as the old hunters knew you can’t kill them with a small bullet. The beast kept ramming cars, and the cops finally figured out something useful to do. They blocked the roads well away from the buffalo. Now they had to figure out what to do with it. After a while they decided to call a Ranger. The ranger was flown in. He had a bear tranquilizer gun. He upped the dosage they used for bears. He succeeded in bringing the beast down. That solved one problem. Now they had to figure out what to do with a sleeping buffalo. They were out of ideas. After about an hour the rancher came looking for his buffalo. He found it. He was not happy. He went back to ranch and drought the equipment they used to move buffalo around and took him back

Strange thing is that this story isn’t on the internet that I looked for. I guess so few people were there only those there know it.






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